Personal Injury

Personal injury is a legal term used to describe harm caused by someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing. Understanding the ins and outs of personal injury law is essential for anyone injured due to another person’s actions. Learn about the different aspects of personal injuries and how to file a claim for compensation.

Why Take Legal Action?

By filing a lawsuit, you can pursue financial compensation and justice from those who caused you or a loved one harm.

Rae Theodore

Fact-Checked and Legally Reviewed by: Rae Theodore

Last updated:

What Is a Personal Injury?

A personal injury refers to harm or damage suffered by an individual due to another person’s negligence or intentional act. Personal injuries can be physical, like broken bones or internal injuries, or psychological, such as emotional distress or trauma.

“Personal injuries include every variety of injury to a person’s body, emotions, or reputation.”

– Cornell Law School

Personal injuries can stem from a wide range of accidents or events.

Common types of personal injuries include:

Each type of personal injury has unique legal considerations. Understanding personal injury law in general and the specific nature of your case will help you get the best possible result.

The Legal Basis for Personal Injury Claims

Personal injury claims are based on the legal principle of negligence. To file a successful personal injury claim, you must show that:

  1. The party responsible for your injury owed you a duty of care
  2. The party breached that duty
  3. The breach of duty resulted in your injury
  4. You suffered damages as a result of the injury

Establishing these elements can be challenging, but a lawyer can help you collect evidence and build a strong case.

Did you know?

Not all injuries are immediately apparent. In some cases, it may take weeks or months for the full extent of an injury to become clear. This delay can make it more challenging to gather evidence and establish a link between the incident and the harm suffered.

The Process of Filing a Personal Injury Claim

To protect your health and ensure the potential success of your claim, there are several key steps you should take.

Immediately after an injury, you should:

  • Seek medical attention and follow your doctor’s advice
  • Notify the relevant parties, like the police or property owner
  • Document the details of the accident, including the date, time, location, and any contributing factors

Seeking medical attention should be your top priority. This ensures that you receive the necessary treatment and establishes a clear link between your injury and the incident.

This medical documentation will be crucial in supporting your claim and demonstrating the extent of your injuries.

Notifying the relevant authorities also creates an official record of the incident. This record can serve as valuable evidence when building your case.

After you’ve prioritized your health and created a solid foundation for your claim, your case will likely follow these general steps.

1. Gathering Evidence for Your Claim

Evidence is of great importance in personal injury claims. The more evidence you can gather, the stronger your case will be.

This evidence may include:

  • Medical records, including bills, doctor notes, and test results
  • Photographs or videos of the accident scene
  • Police reports
  • Witness statements

Keep track of any expenses related to your injury, like medical bills or lost wages. Medical records can show the extent of your injuries and their financial impact on your life. They validate your claim and help calculate the compensation you may be entitled to.

Witness statements can provide valuable firsthand accounts of the incident, offering additional perspectives and supporting your version of events. These statements can strengthen your case by verifying your claims and providing independent evidence.

2. Filing the Claim

Using this evidence, a lawyer can file a personal injury lawsuit on your behalf.

This typically involves:

  • Drafting a formal complaint detailing the facts of your case and the legal basis for your claim
  • Filing the complaint with the appropriate court before any deadlines
  • Serving the complaint to the party responsible for your injury

A lawyer can handle all of the legal legwork associated with a personal injury claim, making the process as easy and stress-free as possible.

3. Dealing With Insurance Companies

In many personal injury cases, insurance companies play a significant role. It is important to approach insurance companies cautiously, as their primary interest is often minimizing their financial liabilities.

When dealing with insurance companies:

  • Be careful with what you say or sign, as it may be used against you
  • Consult with a personal injury lawyer before accepting any settlement offers

Insurance companies have teams of skilled adjusters and lawyers working to protect their interests. Having a knowledgeable personal injury lawyer by your side ensures that you have someone who understands personal injury law and can advocate for your rights.

Legal Representation in Personal Injury Claims

While handling a personal injury case by yourself is possible, having professional legal representation can significantly increase your chances of a successful outcome.

Consider hiring a personal injury lawyer if:

  • Your injuries are severe or long-term
  • Liability or fault is disputed
  • The insurance company is acting unfairly or in bad faith
  • You are unsure about your rights and legal options

A personal injury lawyer can guide you through the legal process and fight for the maximum compensation possible in your case.

Choosing the Right Lawyer for Your Personal Injury Lawsuit

Selecting the right personal injury lawyer is vital, as it can impact whether you win your case and how much compensation you may secure.

Consider the following factors when making your decision:

  • Experience and expertise in personal injury law
  • Reputation for effective communication and client satisfaction
  • Track record of successful personal injury settlements and verdicts
  • Transparent fee structure and agreements

Research and meet with several lawyers before making a final decision to find the best lawyer for your case. Ask them about their experience in personal injury law and the results they’ve secured for clients with cases like yours.

The Role of a Lawyer in a Personal Injury Claim

A personal injury lawyer’s role extends beyond legal expertise.

A personal injury attorney can:

  • Evaluate your claim and determine its worth
  • Gather evidence, interview witnesses, and hire experts, if necessary
  • Negotiate with insurance companies
  • Prepare your case for trial, if a personal injury settlement can’t be reached

Personal injury lawyers specialize in various areas of personal injury law. Some may focus on car accidents, while others handle cases involving medical malpractice or workplace injuries.

When choosing a lawyer, it is important to find one who has experience handling cases similar to yours. This expertise ensures they are familiar with the intricacies specific to your type of personal injury claim.

Personal injury lawyers often have resources like established relationships with medical professionals, accident reconstruction experts, and other specialists who can provide crucial evidence and testimony to support your claim and improve the strength of your case.

A personal injury lawyer can also provide emotional support and guidance during a challenging time.

These legal professionals understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll a personal injury can have on your life and can help relieve some of the stress and anxiety associated with pursuing a personal injury claim.

Court Proceedings

Before a personal injury case goes to trial, both parties participate in pre-trial procedures to ensure a fair and just legal process. These procedures are crucial in laying the groundwork for the trial.

Pre-trial procedures include:

  • Exchanging evidence and documentation: This step allows both parties to review the evidence presented during the trial, ensuring transparency and fairness.
  • Participating in depositions and interrogatories: Depositions involve sworn testimony taken outside of court, while interrogatories are written questions that must be answered under oath. Both processes help each party understand the other’s case and gather information to strengthen their arguments.

By engaging in these pre-trial procedures, both parties can better prepare for the trial and ensure all relevant evidence is presented in court.

The Trial Process Explained

Many personal injuries claims settle before reaching trial, as settlements offer a quicker resolution and are less risky than taking your chances in court.

However, the decision of whether to settle or go to trial is a critical one that should be made after careful consideration and consultation with your legal counsel.

If your personal injury claim isn’t settled, your case may proceed to trial.

During the trial process:

  • Both parties present their evidence and arguments for their respective positions.
  • Witnesses may be called to testify and provide firsthand accounts or expert opinions to support the evidence presented by each party.
  • A judge or jury will consider the evidence, witness testimonies, and legal arguments before reaching a verdict.

A skilled personal injury lawyer can help you navigate the trial process and provide guidance and support along the way.

Compensation in Personal Injury Claims

Damages are monetary compensation awarded to the victim to help cover losses incurred due to the injury. They play a crucial role in providing financial relief to the injured party.

Compensation aims to restore the individual to a position as close as possible to their state before the injury occurred.

Damages can be categorized into:

  • Economic damages, or compensatory damages, for tangible losses, like medical expenses, lost wages, and property damage
  • Non-economic damages for intangible losses, like pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of consortium

The specific damages you may be eligible for will depend on the circumstances of your case.

Compensatory damages are relatively easier to quantify as they involve costs that can be calculated with receipts and bills.

On the other hand, non-economic damages are more subjective and may require expert testimony or other forms of evidence to establish their value.

Calculating Potential Compensation

Figuring out potential compensation in personal injury claims will involve a number of factors.

These factors include:

  • Extent and severity of injuries
  • Loss of income and earning capacity
  • Medical expenses, both past and future
  • Impact on quality of life

When estimating potential compensation, it’s important to account for the injury’s immediate costs and long-term implications. Future medical treatments, ongoing therapy, and possible changes in earning capacity should all be factored in to ensure fair compensation.

Your personal injury lawyer will assess these factors and work to maximize your compensation based on the evidence.

Post-Claim Considerations

Once your personal injury claim has been resolved and you have received compensation, it is crucial to manage it carefully.

Here are some tips to consider:

  • Clear any outstanding medical bills or debts related to your injury
  • Create a budget to ensure your compensation lasts long-term
  • Discuss any tax implications with a financial advisor

By managing your compensation wisely, you can secure your financial future and focus on your recovery.

Sometimes, the losing party may file an appeal following a trial verdict. While appeals can prolong the legal process, your personal injury lawyer will guide you through the necessary steps and provide the best possible representation during any appeal proceedings.

Personal Injury Claim FAQs

How much compensation do you get for personal injury?

The amount of compensation for a personal injury claim can vary, depending on the nature of your injury, amount of medical expenses, and other factors.

Results our legal partners have secured for clients include:

  • $15 million in New York for asbestos exposure
  • $1.6 million in North Dakota for cancer caused by Roundup
  • $2 million in a medical malpractice case
  • $2 million in California for nursing home negligence
  • $820,000 in Georgia for a defective hip replacement device

A personal injury lawyer can give you an idea about the value of your claim and fight for maximum compensation.

What is the limitation period for a personal injury claim?

The statute of limitations for a personal injury claim is between 1 and 6 years, depending on the state where you live.

It’s best to reach out to a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. They can explain the statute of limitations that applies in your case and work to file your claim before the deadline.

How do you get paid when injured?

If you’ve been harmed due to another party’s negligence, you may be able to file a personal injury claim and seek compensation for your losses.

A personal injury attorney can review the facts of your case and let you know whether you may be entitled to compensation.

What is defined as a personal injury?

A personal injury is harm suffered due to another person’s negligence or wrongdoing. Some personal injuries are physical, like a concussion, while others are psychological, such as emotional distress.

A person who has suffered a personal injury may be able to file a lawsuit seeking compensation from the party that caused them harm.

Rae Theodore

Fact-Checked and Legally Reviewed by: Rae Theodore

Rae Theodore is a writer and editor with more than 30 years of experience in legal publishing. She earned a bachelor’s degree in English from Pennsylvania State University.

  1. American Bar Association. “Personal Injury Claim.” Retrieved July 11, 2024, from
  2. Cornell Law School. “personal injury.” Retrieved July 11, 2024, from
  3. Sokolove Law. (2024, June 17). “Personal Injury Lawsuit.” Retrieved July 11, 2024, from
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