Loss of Consortium

Loss of consortium refers to the damages suffered by a spouse or family member due to a loved one’s injury or death, including emotional losses. Understanding loss of consortium is essential to navigating personal injury cases and seeking fair compensation for the damages caused.

Rae Theodore

Fact-Checked and Legally Reviewed by: Rae Theodore

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What Is Loss of Consortium?

Loss of consortium is a legal term that refers to the negative impact on a person’s relationship with their spouse or immediate family members due to an injury caused by someone else’s misconduct.

Loss of consortium can include losing:

  • Affection
  • Companionship
  • Emotional support
  • Parenting and childcare
  • Sexual relations

This concept recognizes that injuries affecting an individual can also have a significant ripple effect on their loved ones.

The injured person may experience physical limitations or psychological trauma that affects their ability to provide emotional support or engage in activities they once enjoyed with their loved ones. In the case of wrongful death, their absence can be felt in many different ways.

When a partner or family member is injured or passes away, the effects can extend far beyond the physical. The emotional toll of witnessing a loved one suffer can be overwhelming, leading to feelings of helplessness and despair.

The loss of shared experiences, like intimate moments, hobbies, or even simple daily routines, can profoundly impact the bond between family members.

The Legal Perspective

From a legal standpoint, loss of consortium is considered a type of non-economic damage intended to compensate individuals for the pain, suffering, and loss they have experienced.

“Loss of consortium refers to the loss or impairment of the intangible benefits of a relationship.”

– Cornell Law School

The specific laws related to loss of consortium vary between jurisdictions, but generally, they aim to provide a fair remedy for the damage to someone’s relationship.

Legal battles involving loss of consortium often look at the quality of the relationship before and after the injury.

Courts may consider factors like the:

  • Duration of the impairment
  • Emotional support provided by the injured party before the incident
  • Length of the relationship
  • Life expectancy of the injured party
  • Nature and extent of the injury
  • Resulting strain on the affected relationships

Courts may also consider the nature of the relationship between the injured party and the family member claiming loss of consortium. For example, a spouse or child may be entitled to more significant damages than a distant relative.

The goal is to quantify the intangible losses suffered by the affected family members and ensure that justice is served.

Who Can Claim Loss of Consortium?

Who can file a claim for loss of consortium varies from state to state. In general, spouses are able to bring a claim if their partner has suffered an injury or has died due to some misconduct on the part of an individual or company.

In some states, parents can also file for the loss of consortium of their child (filial consortium). Similarly, children may be able to bring a claim when their parent has suffered an injury or wrongful death.

Loss of consortium examples include:

  • A parent being unable to provide companionship and guidance to a child after they’ve passed away from an injury caused by a dangerous product
  • A spouse being unable to have sexual relations with their partner due to an injury related to medical malpractice
Did you know?

In February 2024, a California judge dismissed loss of consortium claims against Alec Baldwin and El Dorado Pictures Inc. by the relatives of a cinematographer shot and killed on the set of “Rust,” saying the family had failed to allege a close enough relationship.

A lawyer can examine the facts of your case and determine if you may be able to file a claim.

The Role of Loss of Consortium in Personal Injury Cases

In personal injury cases, loss of consortium is essential to consider when determining the overall damages suffered by the injured party and their family members. It is important to understand how the injury has impacted the relationships and to quantify the extent of the damages.

An experienced attorney can evaluate the emotional and financial aspects involved and take legal action on your behalf to fight for the compensation you deserve.

How to Prove Loss of Consortium

A personal injury lawyer can collect evidence to prove loss of consortium.

This evidence may include:

  • Medical records
  • Statements from family members and friends about the changes in the affected relationships
  • Therapy reports

Gathering evidence of the activities and interactions that have been limited or lost due to the injury can further strengthen the case. Photographs, videos, and written accounts of shared experiences can provide tangible proof of the impact on the quality of the relationships.

The Importance of Expert Testimony

Expert testimony plays a vital role in proving loss of consortium. Psychologists, therapists, and relationship experts can provide professional insights into the emotional and relational impact of the injury.

These professionals can help establish the connection between the injury and the damages the affected individual and their loved ones suffered.

Expert witnesses can also offer opinions on the long-term effects of the injury on the relationships and provide valuable perspectives on the potential for recovery or ongoing challenges.

Their testimony can add depth and credibility to the claim of loss of consortium, reinforcing the emotional and psychological toll it has taken on the family as a whole.

Compensation for Loss of Consortium

When seeking compensation for loss of consortium, it is important to understand what resolution options are available.

Compensation for loss of consortium can be obtained through either personal injury or wrongful death out-of-court settlements or trial verdicts. In some cases, parties may reach a settlement agreement that includes specific provisions for loss of consortium.

If the case goes to court, a judge or jury will decide the appropriate amount of compensation to be awarded based on the evidence presented and the laws in the jurisdiction.

Settlements offer a quicker resolution to the case and allow the parties to negotiate the terms of compensation. However, court awards may result in higher compensation if the case is successful at trial and the jury favors the plaintiff.

In some cases, awards for loss of consortium can be substantial, hitting $100,000 or more.

In April 2024, a federal judge upheld a jury verdict awarding $2 million in compensatory damages to a North Carolina man who lost his foot in a grain silo auger and $500,000 to his wife for loss of consortium.

It is essential to weigh the pros and cons of each option with the guidance of legal counsel to determine the best course of action for seeking compensation for loss of consortium.

Loss of Consortium FAQs

What states allow loss of consortium?

Most states, including Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, and Texas, allow claims for loss of consortium, but they may have different requirements as to who can file a claim. For example, in some states, parents can file for loss or consortium related to the loss of a child.

What is a consortium in a marriage?

Consortium is a legal term that refers to the benefits a spouse typically receives from their partner. This includes affection, companionship, and sexual relations.

Is loss of consortium punitive damage?

No, loss of consortium is a type of non-economic damages typically awarded to a spouse or family member to compensate for the emotional loss related to their loved one’s injury or death.

In contrast, punitive damages are awarded to punish a defendant for their reckless behavior.

Can unmarried partners claim loss of consortium?

Potentially. While most loss of consortium claims involve married couples, some states, like Nevada, also recognize the right of unmarried partners to claim damages for loss of consortium. An attorney can help you understand the specific rules in your state.

Rae Theodore

Fact-Checked and Legally Reviewed by: Rae Theodore

Rae Theodore is a writer and editor with more than 30 years of experience in legal publishing. She earned a bachelor’s degree in English from Pennsylvania State University.

  1. Cornell Law School. “consortium.” Retrieved May 28, 2024, from https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/consortium#
  2. Cornell Law School. (2023, June). “loss of consortium.” Retrieved May 28, 2024, from https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/loss_of_consortium#
  3. Law360. (2024, April 10). “No Retrial Over NC Farm Worker’s $2.5M Severed Foot Verdict.” Retrieved May 28, 2024, from https://www.law360.com/articles/1824052/no-retrial-over-nc-farm-worker-s-2-5m-severed-foot-verdict
  4. Law360. (2024, February 23). “Alec Baldwin Loss Claims Trimmed In ‘Rust’ Shooting Suit.” Retrieved May 28, 2024, from https://www.law360.com/articles/1806307/alec-baldwin-loss-claims-trimmed-in-rust-shooting-suit
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