Mesothelioma Life Expectancy
Mesothelioma life expectancy is the amount of time a patient is expected to live after a diagnosis. On average, mesothelioma patients live 12-21 months, but this can differ depending on factors like the cancer’s location and stage. Patients who undergo treatment typically live longer. See if you may qualify for compensation to help cover treatments to improve your mesothelioma life expectancy.
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What Is the Average Life Expectancy With Mesothelioma?
Malignant mesothelioma life expectancy is an estimate of how long a patient will live after their diagnosis. Life expectancy is part of a patient’s mesothelioma prognosis (health outlook).
Mesothelioma life expectancy with treatment is 12 to 21 months on average, according to a report in F1000Research. Mesothelioma life expectancy without treatment is 4-12 months on average.
Your individual life expectancy will depend on several factors, like your overall health, how far the cancer has spread, and how you respond to treatment. Each patient’s mesothelioma journey is unique, and outcomes vary.
Some mesothelioma patients have been able to become long-term survivors, living for 20 years or more after a diagnosis.
If you’ve been diagnosed with mesothelioma, treatments like surgery, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy may be able to help extend your life and give you more time with loved ones.
Get a free case review now to see if you may qualify for compensation to help pay for treatment and more.
What Factors Affect Malignant Mesothelioma Life Expectancy?
Factors specific to the individual patient and the type and stage of their cancer influence mesothelioma life expectancy. Find out more about these factors below.
Mesothelioma Type
There are four main types of mesothelioma. Each is associated with a different part of the body and mesothelioma life expectancy.
- Pleural mesothelioma: This type develops in the lung lining (pleura). The pleural mesothelioma life expectancy is about 18 months.
- Peritoneal mesothelioma: Because it develops in the abdominal lining (peritoneum), it can be treated more aggressively. With treatment, the peritoneal mesothelioma life expectancy is about 53 months.
- Pericardial mesothelioma: This uncommon form affects the heart’s lining (pericardium) and has the shortest mesothelioma life expectancy. Patients can expect to live for 2-6 months.
- Testicular mesothelioma: The rarest of the four types, it develops in the lining of the testes (tunica vaginalis). Patients who undergo treatment live for about 46 months.
These numbers are just estimates based on past mesothelioma cases. Mesothelioma life spans continue to get longer as doctors find better ways to diagnose and treat patients.
Cancer Stage
The stage of your cancer at the time of diagnosis can have a substantial impact on your mesothelioma and life expectancy.
In the early stages, when the cancer hasn’t spread to distant parts of the body, it’s easier to treat. Late-stage patients have fewer treatment options, so their mesothelioma life span is typically shorter.
Some patients diagnosed with advanced-stage mesothelioma have been able to beat the odds and become long-term survivors. For example, construction worker John Stahl was diagnosed with stage 4 mesothelioma in 2019 and is still enjoying his life today.
“I think John’s positive attitude has kept him going like he has. I mean, he’s able to do things and be happy. John’s a very positive guy. He makes you happy.”
– Dee Stahl, wife of mesothelioma survivor John
Mesothelioma Cell Type
There are three types of mesothelioma cells, and each affects a patient’s mesothelioma life expectancy.
- Epithelioid mesothelioma cells are the most common and least aggressive, so patients typically have a longer mesothelioma life span. The epithelioid mesothelioma life expectancy is 18-23 months depending on the treatments used, according to the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO).
- Sarcomatoid mesothelioma cells are more aggressive, have the lowest mesothelioma life span of all three types, and are less responsive to treatment. The sarcomatoid mesothelioma life expectancy is between 3-8 months, according to Tumori Journal.
- Biphasic mesothelioma tumors have a combination of epithelial and sarcomatoid cells. The average mesothelioma life expectancy for patients with biphasic cells is 10 months, according to a study from the National Mesothelioma Virtual Bank.
Your doctor can tell you which cell type of mesothelioma you have and suggest treatments to potentially increase your mesothelioma life span.
Call (888) 726-9160 right now to talk to one of our registered nurses who can help you navigate your diagnosis and connect with mesothelioma specialists near you.
Getting prompt treatment is the most effective way to try to extend your mesothelioma life expectancy and improve your quality of life. Common mesothelioma treatments include chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and surgery.
Over half of mesothelioma patients who receive treatment survive their first year after diagnosis, according to The Ochsner Journal. Without treatment, however, the average mesothelioma life span is only 4-12 months.
Some treatments are only performed by oncologists (cancer doctors) who focus on treating mesothelioma patients.
Patients may qualify for clinical trials, which test new and emerging treatments that have the potential to improve mesothelioma life expectancies.
Individual Factors
A patient’s individual traits, like their age and physical condition, also play a role in mesothelioma life expectancy.
These factors include:
- Age: Patients under 50 have the highest survival rates, according to the National Cancer Institute.
- Health: Non-smokers without additional health conditions tend to live longer and are often eligible for mesothelioma surgery, which can send the cancer into remission.
- Sex: Women generally live longer than men with mesothelioma. This could be because men are more likely to have worked in occupations that caused them to be exposed to large concentrations of asbestos, the only known cause of mesothelioma.
No two patients are alike. Your doctor will consider all of these factors when creating a personal treatment aimed at achieving a longer life expectancy.
Treatments to Improve Mesothelioma Life Span
There are several mesothelioma treatments that doctors use to help their patients live longer. Find out about these treatments and how they’ve helped extend mesothelioma life expectancy in some cases.
Patients may be able to undergo surgery to remove as much of the cancer as possible and extend their mesothelioma life expectancy. Surgical options for pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma are listed below.
- Extrapleural pneumonectomy (EPP): Used to treat malignant pleural mesothelioma, an EPP removes the affected lung and nearby tissue. Patients live for 40 months or more with an EPP plus chemotherapy and radiation, according to the Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery.
- Pleurectomy/decortication (P/D): This lung-sparing surgery can extend pleural mesothelioma life expectancy to 20-33 months when combined with other treatments like chemotherapy or radiation (multimodal therapy), as noted in the Journal of Thoracic Oncology.
- Cytoreduction with HIPEC: This combination of surgery and heated intraperitoneal chemotherapy is used to treat peritoneal patients. The median life expectancy is 53 months, according to the Annals of Surgical Oncology.
Surgery is typically only used if the patient is otherwise in good health and the mesothelioma cancer is in an early stage. Your doctor can tell you if you’re a candidate and, if not, help you explore other treatment options that could improve your mesothelioma life expectancy.
See if you may qualify for compensation to help pay for mesothelioma treatments that could allow you to live longer. Get started with a free case review.
Other Treatment Options
Several other treatments are commonly used to help patients increase their mesothelioma life span after a diagnosis.
- Chemotherapy drugs are used to destroy cancer cells. Mesothelioma patients with pleural or peritoneal types can live up to 12 months when treated with chemotherapy, and combining it with surgery can further extend survival times, according to the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
- Radiation therapy uses high-energy rays to shrink tumors and is often paired with surgery. Radiation helped late-stage pleural mesothelioma patients who had undergone surgery live an additional 19 months on average, as noted in the International Journal of Radiation Oncology.
- Immunotherapy enhances the body’s ability to recognize and attack cancer cells. Pleural mesothelioma life expectancy with immunotherapy is 18 months on average, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
- Tumor Treatment Fields (TTFs) are electrically charged pads that hinder cancer growth. When used with chemotherapy, pleural mesothelioma patients had an average survival of 18.2 months, according to The Lancet Oncology.
- Clinical trials test new and emerging treatments aimed at improving mesothelioma survival.
Immunotherapy and TTFs were both approved for wider use after clinical trials showed their effectiveness in helping patients live longer.
Get Help Living With Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma treatments can cost over $400,000 a year, adding further stress and anxiety after a diagnosis.
“Your insurance doesn’t pay for everything. You need the compensation. You need it for your treatments. You need it for your transportation.”
– Mary Jane Williams, 15-year mesothelioma survivor has partnered with mesothelioma lawyers who’ve secured over $9.8 billion for families impacted by this cancer.
The attorneys we work with can help clients in all 50 states and never charge any upfront costs or hourly fees.
Call (888) 726-9160 right now or get a free case review to see if we may be able to help you get everything you deserve.
Asbestos Cancer Life Expectancy FAQs
Is mesothelioma curable?
There’s no cure for mesothelioma, but treatments can significantly extend life expectancy and improve the quality of life for patients.
Common treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and radiation. Your doctor can create a cancer treatment plan aimed at helping you live longer.
How long do you live after being diagnosed with mesothelioma?
Patients live 12 to 21 months on average with treatment and 4-12 months without treatment.
The most effective way to improve your mesothelioma life expectancy is to get help from a mesothelioma doctor who specializes in treating this cancer and can provide professional medical advice.
Call (888) 726-9160 right now to see if we may be able to connect you with a specialist near you.
Is mesothelioma 100% fatal?
Mesothelioma is a serious health condition, but some patients have lived for 20 years or more after getting treatment. New medical advances are helping patients live longer, healthier lives.
What are the odds of beating mesothelioma?
The average mesothelioma life expectancy is 12-21 months, but several factors can affect that estimate. Patients who get diagnosed before the cancer has spread and undergo aggressive treatments typically have a longer mesothelioma life span.
Get a free case review to see if you may be eligible for compensation to help pay for your treatments.

Fact-Checked and Legally Reviewed by: Rae Theodore
Rae Theodore is a writer and editor with more than 30 years of experience in legal publishing. She earned a bachelor’s degree in English from Pennsylvania State University.
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